Think Differently About Your Business and Business Model

Learn about the four ideal model types in order to engage better with your customers, deliver value, and monetise the result.

Discover the Leading Fintech Unicorns’ Business Models

Business Model Zoo has an unrivalled collection of exemplars written by its expert team about Unicorn organisations.

Introducing Four Business Model Pathways

The BusinessModelZoo™ identifies four elemental business model pathways for developing a business. Explore the four elemental business models for developing a business. Each describes an ideal model of how a business can engage with its customer, deliver value, and monetize the result.

A dyadic transactional relationship where your good or service can be designed and delivered without prior interactions with the customer.

Explore Model Iconic Exemplars

A dyadic relationship where your physical good or service can only be designed and delivered after prior interactions with the customer.

Explore Model Iconic Exemplars

You identify two or more customer groups and brings them together in your marketplace.

Exemplars Auction House
Explore Model Iconic Exemplars

You identify two or more different customer groups; and after interacting with each you design and deliver your goods or services in a manner that connects the two parties.

Explore Model Iconic Exemplars

A dyadic transactional relationship where your good or service can be designed and delivered without prior interactions with the customer.

Explore Model Iconic Exemplars

A dyadic relationship where your physical good or service can only be designed and delivered after prior interactions with the customer.

Explore Model Iconic Exemplars

You identify two or more customer groups and brings them together in your marketplace.

Exemplars Auction House
Explore Model Iconic Exemplars

You identify two or more different customer groups; and after interacting with each you design and deliver your goods or services in a manner that connects the two parties.

Explore Model Iconic Exemplars

Discover Your Business Model

To help you, we need to know your business model. In knowing this we can support you to think more creatively about your business. Answer the rapid-fire questions below to find out:

To what extent do your customers pay for a physical or digital product/service? Guide to Physical and Digital businesses >>
To what extent do you customize your product/service according to customer needs? Guide to customization of product/service according to customer needs >>
To what extent does your business’s survival depend on your ability to influence relationships between different customers? Guide to business survival depending on ability to influence relationships >>
Your business is most likely to be the Product Business Model

A dyadic transactional relationship where your physical good or service can be designed and delivered without prior interactions with the customer.

Your business is most likely to be the Matchmaking Business Model

You identify two or more customer groups and brings them together in your physical marketplace.

Your business is most likely to be the Solutions Business Model

A dyadic relationship where your physical good or service can only be designed and delivered after prior interactions with the customer.

Your business is most likely to be the Multi-sided Business Model

You identify two or more different customer groups; and after interacting with each you design and deliver your physical goods or services in a manner that connects the two parties.

Your business is most likely to be the Product Business Model

A dyadic transactional relationship where your digital good or service can be designed and delivered without prior interactions with the customer.

Your business is most likely to be the Matchmaking Business Model

You identify two or more customer groups and brings them together in your digital marketplace.

Your business is most likely to be the Solutions Business Model

A dyadic relationship where your digital good or service can only be designed and delivered after prior interactions with the customer.

Your business is most likely to be the Multi-sided Business Model

You identify two or more different customer groups; and after interacting with each you design and deliver your digital goods or services in a manner that connects the two parties.
